
Outsmart everyone.
Even yourself.

We all know you get stronger muscles in the gym.
Did you know you can train – not only your muscles –
but also your brain?


braindrills improves your memory within hours with some practical drills.

braindrills enables you to learn and read twice as fast. In half the time.

braindrills prepares you for optimal performance under high pressure.

“braindrills is not a magic pill. You have to invest time and effort to master the techniques. I ran through three drills in 15 days. 30 minutes a day. They absolutely changed my life!”


Drills for the brain.

braindrills provides training modules to quickly improve your memory, make you learn faster and perform much better under pressure. Our training methods (or “drills”) resulted in several World Records being broken and multiple Guiness Book of Record entries.

“The techniques are pretty easy to learn and apply. This may sound a little cocky, but after a year of regular use i’m outsmartening all of my collegues on a daily basis. The results still stun me! “
braindrills helps you in challenging situations on a daily basis with easy techniques to unleash the full potential of your brain.

These drills are used by presidents, politicians, CEO’s, athletes, high potential professionals, students, parents and others.


Are you suffering under demanding tasks, high responsibilities and heavy work pressure? Or even remembering your childs’ school roster, a shopping list or where you put your keys?


Our drills are your tools to read, remember and work much more effectively and efficiently for the rest of your life. This is the training before any other training. Take control of every situation while remaining your inner peace.


This bundle of drills is your gateway to ultimate performances.

0. Introduction
1. What is memory
2. Basic memory techniques
3. Loci Method – Memory Palace
4. Remember numbers, facts and figures
5. Remember names and faces
6. How to learn for long term

Once bought, you can enter the drills via your personal online account.

Questions? Remarks?

We are absolutely capable of answering your questions and will reply to you as soon as possible. Whatever’s on your mind, please let us know. Thanks!

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