
Have you ever wanted to give a speech without notes?

Learn how to memorize any presentation without rehearsing it 100 times

By Dr. Boris Konrad

Neuroscientist | Certified Speaker Professional (CSP) | 8x Memory World Champion | Guinness World Record 

Learn from the best

The world of Memory Training has fascinated Dr. Boris Nikolai Konrad for a very long time; as such, he has continuously trained and improved his memory. With his skills, he inspires the worldwide audiences today. As a four-times Guinness World Record Holder for Memory, Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) and well-known expert, he knows the that having a well-trained memory is a stage skill for every speaker who wants to outperform his audience.  In this training course you will learn all the science based techniques and skills that make such performances possible. 

Practical information

What you can expect




LOCI Method



World Class Trainer

Dr. Boris Konrad

Dr. Boris Konrad works as a neuroscientist at Radboud University and is also 8x World Memory Sports Champion. Also Guinness Book of Records holder for memorizing more than 250 names in 15 minutes. As a “Certified Speaking Professional” (CSP) and winner of the 5-Star-Speaker Award, he belongs to the elite of professional speakers.

Vardan Petrossiantz
Vardan Petrossiantz
Senior Tech Lawyer Freshfields München
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I have experienced a lot of value from memory techniques. When it comes to speeches and public speaking, these methods are irreplaceable"
Vardan Petrossiantz
Vardan Petrossiantz
Senior Tech Lawyer Freshfields München
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I have experienced a lot of value from memory techniques. When it comes to speeches and public speaking, these methods are irreplaceable"
Vardan Petrossiantz
Vardan Petrossiantz
Senior Tech Lawyer Freshfields München
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I have experienced a lot of value from memory techniques. When it comes to speeches and public speaking, these methods are irreplaceable"
Vardan Petrossiantz
Vardan Petrossiantz
Senior Tech Lawyer Freshfields München
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I have experienced a lot of value from memory techniques. When it comes to speeches and public speaking, these methods are irreplaceable"
Vardan Petrossiantz
Vardan Petrossiantz
Senior Tech Lawyer Freshfields München
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I have experienced a lot of value from memory techniques. When it comes to speeches and public speaking, these methods are irreplaceable"

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