
1. What is memory?

What is memory - braindrills
Boris Konrad
38 Students enrolled
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In this foundational session, we will explore how memory works and delve into the specific functions of the brain related to memory. Understanding these basics is crucial as it sets the stage for all subsequent modules. By gaining insight into the brain’s processes, you’ll be better equipped to apply advanced memory techniques and strategies in the future.




Other drills:
0. Introduction
1. What is memory
2. Basic memory techniques
3. LOCI method – Memory palace
4. Remember numbers, facts and figures
5. Remember names and faces
6. Learn for long term

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Price info: this is a one time purchase. After the purchase the course will be added to your personal account for instant access.
1. What is memory?
Course details
Duration 90 min
Video 37 min
Level Gemiddeld